Acupuncture for pain and injuries
How does it work?
Acupuncture Speeds up recovery and provides immediate pain relief by increasing circulation and decreasing inflammation
Acupuncture and dry needling Improve flexibility, proprioception, and stability by optimizing muscle activation
Acupuncture and dry needling Treat the injury as well as the body function as a whole, thus helping prevent future injury
Acupuncture and dry needling can help with a multitude of both acute and chronic injuries and get you back out living your active Calgary lifestyle as soon as possible. Whether you want to help your knees survive another heavy season of skiing, or your IT bands get you happily through a summer of cycling - acupuncture can help.
Look at the section to the right for more details of what kinds of injuries Madison treats here in #yyc.
whiplash recovery
cervicogenic headaches
neck tension
TMJ/Jaw clenching
Temporal headaches
postural correction
rotator cuff tears
stabilization of the shoulder joint post - dislocation
optimization of shoulder mobility for athletic performance
biceps tendonitis
AC joint sprain
postural correction
chest pain
rib pain
pain between shoulder blades
general tension in upper back from sitting at a desk or driving etc.
back strain or sprain (lifting/twisting injury)
general low back pain
Piriformis syndrome
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (shooting pain from back to butt)
optimization of hip mobility for athletic performance
hip flexor or hamstring strain/sprain
hip instability or weakness
ACL sprain
MCL/Meniscus sprain
Ankle sprain of any kind
Achilles tendonitis
Plantar Faciitis